DJ Dirty Digits | Boomerang Scratch | WATCH AND LEARN

Invented by DJ Flare, the Boomerang Scratch, also known as the delayed two-click flare, is a sturdy piece of weaponry to add to your DJ artillery. Characterized by performing a constant scribbling motion on the crossfader, the Boomerang Scratch gives almost a wobbling flow to your scratches. Scratch’s own Dirty Digits explains step by step in this edition of Watch And Learn.
As always, you can’t learn everything the right way from a tutorial. We offer more in-depth information on this technique and techniques like this in our S 202 class, but we think this will definitely have you headed in the right direction. Contact us for more information or click here to learn how to get a free DJ lesson. Check out the Boomerang Scratch by watching the video below, or clicking HERE.